Example 2.2
Pade Differentiation Using a Lower Order Boundry Scheme
close all; clear f df N H h func deriv A b i approx_deriv; % function and derivative f = @(x) sin(5*x); df = @(x) 5*cos(5*x); % grid N = 15; H = linspace(0,3,N); h = 3/(N-1); % sample function and derivative func = f(H)'; deriv = df(H)';
Construct difference scheme
Here we are using a fourth-order Pade scheme with third order boundary schemes given by (2.17) in the text.
A = zeros(N,N); b = zeros(N,1); A(1,1:2) = [1 2]; A(N,N-1:N) = [2 1]; b(1) = -5*func(1)/2 + 2*func(2) + func(3)/2; b(N) = 5*func(N)/2 - 2*func(N-1) - func(N-2)/2; for i = 2:N-1 A(i,i-1:i+1) = [1 4 1]; b(i) = 3*(func(i+1)-func(i-1)); end b = b/h;
Compute approximate derivative
approx_deriv = A\b;
Generate Plots
figure(1);clf plot(H,deriv,'k.-','MarkerSize',20) hold on plot(H,approx_deriv,'--') xlabel('x','Fontsize',14) ylabel('Derivative','Fontsize',14) title('4th Order Pade Differentiation','Fontsize',14) legend('Exact Derivative','Computed Derivative')