Example 4.8
A Stiff System (Byrne and Hindmarsh) Here we use ode23s
Settings and Function
close all; clear a b g r s u f J t y options; a = 1.5e-18; b = 2.5e-6; g = 2.1e-6; r = .6; s = .18; u = .016; % function f = @(t,y) [-y(1)*(a*y(2)+b)+g;y(2)*(r*y(1)-s)+u*(1+y(1))]; % Jacobian J = @(t,y) [-(a*y(2)+b) -a*y(1); r*y(2)+u r*y(1)-s];
ODE Solver
Here we turn off Matlab's warning. This problem leads to a poorly conditioned linear system.
warning off all options = odeset('RelTol',1e-4,'AbsTol',1e-4*ones(2,1),'Jacobian',J); [t,y] = ode23s(f,[0 7e5],[-1 0]',options); warning on all
Population Plot
figure(1) plot(t,y(:,1)) xlabel('Time') ylabel('Population Inversion') grid on
Photon Density Plot
figure(2) semilogy(t,y(:,2)) xlabel('Time') ylabel('Photon Density') grid on