Example 4.9
Shooting to Solve the Blasius Boundary Layer: f''' + f*f'' = 0
Clean and Setup
close all; clear N iter f t y1 y2 f1a f1b f2a f2b y; N = 1000; iter = 8;
f = @(t,y) [-y(1)*y(3); y(1); y(2)];
Initial Solves
[t y1] = rk4(f,[0 10],[1 0 0],N); [t y2] = rk4(f,[0 10],[.5 0 0],N); f1a = .5; f1b = 1; f2a = y2(2,end); f2b = y1(2,end);
tol = 1e-18; for i = 1:iter f1new = f1a + (f1a-f1b)/(f2a-f2b)*(1-f2a); [t y] = rk4(f,[0 10],[f1new 0 0],N); fprintf('iter:%2d, f1(0)=%17.15f, f2(10)=%17.15f\n',i,f1new,y(2,end)); if ( abs(y(2,end)-1) <= tol ) break; end f1b = f1a; f1a = f1new; f2b = f2a; f2a = y(2,end); end
iter: 1, f1(0)=0.465138301848175, f2(10)=0.993655903270372 iter: 2, f1(0)=0.469647413264798, f2(10)=1.000067325527485 iter: 3, f1(0)=0.469600063660851, f2(10)=1.000000106891883 iter: 4, f1(0)=0.469599988364941, f2(10)=0.999999999998203 iter: 5, f1(0)=0.469599988366207, f2(10)=0.999999999999999 iter: 6, f1(0)=0.469599988366207, f2(10)=1.000000000000000
Generate Plots
plot(t,y) grid on axis([0 6 0 2]) legend('f_1','f_2','f_3') xlabel('\eta','FontSize',14)