Example 5.8
Iterative Solution of an Elliptic Equation
close all; N = 20; % points in the each direction x0 = -1; xN = 1; y0 = -1; yN = 1; dx = (xN-x0)/N; dy = (yN-y0)/N; x = linspace(x0,xN,N+1); y = linspace(y0,yN,N+1); [X Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Q = 2*(2-X.^2 - Y.^2); Qint = Q(2:N,2:N); % obtain interior q = Qint(:); % transform into a vector
Direct Solve
construct system. See Applied Numerical Linear Algebra by James Demmel footnote on page 275
TN = gallery('tridiag',N-1,-1,2,-1);
TNxN = kron(speye(N-1),TN) + kron(TN,eye(N-1));
pd = (1/(dx^2)*TNxN)\q;
Pd = zeros(N+1,N+1);
Pd(2:N,2:N) = reshape(pd,N-1,N-1);
Elapsed time is 0.000690 seconds.
True solution
Pd = (X.^2-1).*(Y.^2-1); tol = 1e-4;
Point Jacobi
Pj = zeros(N+1,N+1); % initial guess Pnew = zeros(N+1,N+1); % extra storage err = max(max(abs(Pd(2:N,2:N)-Pj(2:N,2:N))./Pd(2:N,2:N))); iter = 0; while ( err > tol ) iter = iter + 1; for j = 2:N for i = 2:N Pnew(i,j) = (Pj(i+1,j)+Pj(i-1,j)+Pj(i,j+1)+Pj(i,j-1))/4 + dx^2/4*Q(i,j); end end Pj = Pnew; err = max(max(abs(Pd-Pj)))/max(max(abs(Pd))); Ej(iter) = err; end pj_iter = iter
pj_iter = 749
Pgs = zeros(N+1,N+1); % initial guess err = max(max(abs(Pd(2:N,2:N)-Pgs(2:N,2:N))./Pd(2:N,2:N))); iter = 0; while ( err > tol ) iter = iter + 1; for j = 2:N for i = 2:N Pgs(i,j) = (Pgs(i+1,j)+Pgs(i-1,j)+Pgs(i,j+1)+Pgs(i,j-1))/4 + dx^2/4*Q(i,j); end end err = max(max(abs(Pd-Pgs)))/max(max(abs(Pd))); Egs(iter) = err; end pgs_iter = iter
pgs_iter = 375
Psor = zeros(N+1,N+1); % initial guess Pold = zeros(N+1,N+1); % old solution omega = 1.8; % SOR parameter err = max(max(abs(Pd(2:N,2:N)-Psor(2:N,2:N))./Pd(2:N,2:N))); iter = 0; while ( err > tol ) iter = iter + 1; for j = 2:N for i = 2:N Psor(i,j) = omega*((Psor(i+1,j)+Psor(i-1,j)+Psor(i,j+1)+Psor(i,j-1))/4 + dx^2/4*Q(i,j))+(1-omega)*Psor(i,j); end end err = max(max(abs(Pd-Psor)))/max(max(abs(Pd))); Esor(iter) = err; end psor_iter = iter
psor_iter = 45