Example 6.13
Convection Equation with non constant coefficients
close all; clear N h u x j X U D k A N = 16; h = 0.001; u = @(x,t) sin(2*pi*x*exp(-2*t)); x = [-1:0.01:1]; j = [0:N]'; X = cos(j*pi/N); U = u(X,0); D = zeros(N+1,N+1);
Creation of the matrix operator
for j = [1:N+1] for k = [1:N+1] if j==k switch j case 1 D(j,k) = (2*N^2+1)/6; case N+1 D(j,k) = -(2*N^2+1)/6; otherwise D(j,k) = -X(j)/(2*(1-X(j)^2)); end; else if or(j==1,j==N+1) cj = 2; else cj = 1; end; if or(k==1,k==N+1) ck = 2; else ck = 1; end; D(j,k) = cj*(-1)^(j+k)/(ck*(X(j)-X(k))); end; end; end;
Initial condition
plot(x,u(x,0),'k'); axis([-1 1 -1.5 1.5]); hold on;
Iterate and plot
A = eye(N+1) - 2*h*diag(X)*D; for t = [h:h:0.6] U = A*U; if t == 0.3 plot(x,u(x,t),'k--',X,U,'ko'); end if t == 0.6 plot(x,u(x,t),'k--',X,U,'k*'); end; end;