Example 6.4
Poisson Equation with non Homogeneous Boundary Conditions
close all; clear M N dx dy x y X Y Pji Pij Pjk fun Qij Qkj Qjk clear k A b Sol M = 32; N = 32; dx= 1/M; dy= 1/N; x = [0:dx:1]; y = [0:dy:1]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); Pji = zeros(N+1,M+1); Pij = zeros(M+1,N+1); Pjk = zeros(M+1,N+1);
Define the RHS of modified eq
fun = @(x,y) 30*(x.^2-x) + 30*(y.^2-y) - 4*pi^2*(x-1).*sin(2*pi*y); Qij = fun(X,Y); Qkj = dst1(Qij'); Qjk = Qkj';
Solve using DST
for k = [1:M-1] %Solve the tridiagonal system for each k A = diag(ones(M-2,1),-1) + diag(ones(M-2,1),1) + ... diag((((dy/dx)^2*(2*cos(pi*k/M)-2))-2)*ones(M-1,1)); A = sparse(A); b = dy^2 * Qjk(2:M,k+1); Pjk(2:M,k+1) = (A^-1)*b; end; %Inverse transform Pji = dst1(Pjk')*M/2; Pij = Pji';
Solution of the original equation
Sol = Pij - (X-1).*sin(2*pi*Y);
Generates the plots
surf(X,Y,Sol); xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('phi'); title('Numerical solution of Poisson equation, ex 6.4');